Six Tips To Help You Become a Morning Person

Morning Person

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I know mornings can be tough – especially in those dark, dreary winter months where the sun barely sees the day and the outside of the blankets seems like Antarctica.

I get it.

But it doesn’t mean you can’t still be a morning person!

I don’t know about you but when I accomplish a bunch of tasks before noon I feel so unbelievably productive and better about myself. That little confidence boost pushes me through the rest of my day to accomplish even more and overall have a great day. 

These little tips have helped me become a morning person, and what I think makes me a better and more productive human every day. 

Even just little tweaks to how you make your daily routine can make you feel so much more productive and confident, and isn’t that what we all want!?


Six Tips To Help You Become a Morning Person


1. Have A Solid Night Routine

Starting your route to becoming a morning person begins with your night routine. I’ve written a few other posts that revolve around this topic that you can find below because it’s so crucial to your sleep and being a morning person (& your health in general, in my opinion). 

Having a solid night routine allows your body to realize it’s time to slow down and rest. Get into your pajamas, do your nightly skincare routine and have your down time activities to relax your body. 

Morning Person

Being an early riser means an early sleeper – an earlier bedtime is a must if your getting up in the bright hours of the morning. Do the math to get your eight hours (or whatever sleep length works best for you!) and get your butt to sleep by that time.


2. Get Up Earlier Than You Need To

Rushing your butt out the door does not make for a great start to the day – getting up earlier than needed gives you the time to enjoy your morning getting ready instead of starting the day in a rush.

Whether you need to get off to work, or are home in the mornings, starting your day with more time than needed sets a much better tone for the day. 

This post is great for tips on how to prep the night before to save yourself some time in the morning, but also waking up a little earlier helps too. Give yourself the time to take your morning slow, and you’ll really learn to enjoy your morning ritual. 


3. Schedule Schedule Schedule

Having a schedule for your day forces you to continue to follow those habits. If it’s on your calendar (or to-do list!) you’re much more likely to follow it than if it weren’t written down somewhere. 

Have a set wake up time and a rough schedule of events for your morning so you know there’s a reason you’re waking up that early. If you wake up at 7am with zero action plan it’s going to be easy to convince yourself to crawl back under the covers.

Also setting a set bedtime helps you to wake up to your set wake up time – well, duh. This reverts back to giving yourself a night routine (so helpful and important!)

Morning Person


4. Throw Back Those Curtains

Show me the liiiight! The best way to help wake yourself up in the morning is that good ol sunshine. Pull back those curtains and let the light in. It reminds you that it’s daytime, which means sleep time is over. 

I know in the winter months sunlight is pretty hard to come by (at least where I live) where the sun doesn’t like to make an appearance til 8:30am or so and peaces out around 4pm.  The worst.

To combat, make sure to turn some lights on as soon as you get up. It’ll trick your brain into believing it’s daytime even if the outdoors says otherwise. 

Another fun thing I’ve recently discovered is trying a SAD lamp.

If you don’t know what that is, basically it mimics sunlight to combat those winter blues. 

I got one for Christmas this year and I’ve been using it at my desk in ten minute increments each day and I’ve really been enjoying it. If that’s something that interests you I highly recommend looking into getting one!


5. Make Your Bed

I know your mom probably nagged you to do this as a kid, but I promise you it helps to become a morning person. 

I never used to make my bed everyday, but if I was staying home during the day, it’s much easier to climb back into a messed up, covers thrown bed than a made one. 

Morning Person

Simply for the fact of stopping yourself from climbing back into bed after that morning bathroom run, make yo damn bed people. It also makes your room feel WAY cleaner, so there’s a plus too. 


6. Have A Clean Room

Speaking of cleaning…

I’m naturally just a tidy person, so this one’s pretty easy for me, but I strongly believe that your sleeping habits are directly correlated with the state of your bedroom. 

For example – would you really want to get out of bed in the morning to then just trip over crap all over your floor? Probably not. Would you be pumped to get up after reaching over to turn off your alarm and touching the gross plate of leftover food on your nightstand? NOPE.

Tidying your room before you go to bed (& keeping it organized all the time) will provide you with a much better environment for sleep and you’ll feel good going to sleep as well as waking up. 

I know a lot of these sound naggy, but these are habits you can create for yourself to become an overall more productive and happier person – which isn’t that what we all want to be!?

A lot of these tips are based around creating habits – which can be so daunting at first but once you make them part of your routine, they became just that – a daily habit. 

I’m a big believer that creating habits, schedules and staying organized truly makes you a happier person – further explained in this post on being organized & confident so I really hope you can implement some of these tips to help in your daily life!

I totally get that some people are more naturally early birds while others are naturally night owls – figuring out a schedule that works for you and implementing habits around that is truly what will create the most productive lifestyle for you. 

I’d love to hear what’s part of your night and morning routines that helps you become a happier and more productive human being! Find me on Instagram (@jamienoonan) and let me know your tips!