How To Find The Motivation To Work Out

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Getting into a routine that actually includes working out into your schedule is not easy. I get it.

I’ve tried numerous times to add fitness into my daily and weekly routines, and of course there is always some excuse why I can’t find time, why it just can’t happen this week. And I’m tired of that!

Working out and being healthy is so important, and it really can be enjoyable too. Finding what works for you, your body, and your schedule is the key to success.

For me, getting to a gym is the hardest part. I’m gonna be real – I’m so afraid of being that girl who has absolutely no idea where to go, how to use things and really how long I should be there. And ain’t no student got the money to afford a trainer to walk me through things. 

But it is possible to gain some motivation, push past the hard or embarrassing stuff and become the healthy version of you that you’re always striving for. 

So here I have for you some awesome ways to boost your motivation to work out and become an overall healthier person. 

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Pumpkin Recipes You’re Sure to Love



With fall time comes the inevitable explosion of everything pumpkin – and I’m really not that mad about it. Today we’re talking food, because if I got into everything pumpkin (hello, home decor!!) we’d be here til Christmas. 

I’m sorry to admit that I do not like PSL’s though. I know I know I’m killing my white girl status right now. 

Anywho, I’ve gathered together, for your convenience, a bunch of pumpkin recipes to try out this fall season. Some sweet treats, some snacks, yummy dinners and more. Enjoy!

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5 Ways To Save Time In The Morning


Now I can bet that the majority of people don’t like to get up too much earlier than they need to in the morning for work. I’m sure there are those select few that get up hours before so they can have a relaxing morning.

But when you’re like me and start work at six o’clock in the morning (!!!), you’ve got to find a way not to be left rushing around all morning.

Also, rushing around in the morning to get everything you need to get done just sets a horrible tone for the rest of your day. You feel anxious, frustrated, and probably still pretty friggin tired. Not a great start for the day.

I’ve come to notice all of the little time savers I can do the night before or in preparation so that my mornings can run smoother. 

Yes, I’m still tired in the morning (I’m up at 5, what can ya do), but I never feel rushed or anxious walking out the door. And I owe that to these tips and tricks. 

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Monthly Memories | May 2017

May was another super busy month, but jam packed with so much fun. 

With full time school finally being done, I started working full time again at the beginning of May, as well as starting my online classes.

Not only that, camping season has come back in full swing and with the addition of a new trailer for us this year, we’re out almost every single weekend. 

Saying this summer is a little busy is a bit of an understatement, and May definitely started out strong. But busy is fun and it makes me so excited to still have so much summer ahead of us. 

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