Monthly Memories | May 2017

May was another super busy month, but jam packed with so much fun. 

With full time school finally being done, I started working full time again at the beginning of May, as well as starting my online classes.

Not only that, camping season has come back in full swing and with the addition of a new trailer for us this year, we’re out almost every single weekend. 

Saying this summer is a little busy is a bit of an understatement, and May definitely started out strong. But busy is fun and it makes me so excited to still have so much summer ahead of us. 

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Why You Need To Go To Banff

So we took a trip to Banff! If you don’t know what Banff is, it’s a small tourist town in the mountains of Alberta, Canada. Here’s a little peek:

Banff 2016



Yeah, it’s friggin beautiful.

On Wednesday night we decided, heck, let’s go to Banff this weekend. We booked a hotel room for Friday night, and planned to head out Friday morning (Friday was a stat holiday so we had the day off.)

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